The latest news from Tabor

Tabor student Chelsea Cullen - The Voice of Helen Reddy

Written by Anne Maher | Oct 9, 2020 10:06:51 AM

You may have seen the film ‘I am Woman’, a movie about Helen Reddy’s fearless ambition and passion, on Stan recently.

When we watch musical movies like these, we are unsure how they pull off the vocals. Does the actor sing? How does it work?

A few years ago, Chelsea Cullen, a WA singer/songwriter and current Tabor student, heard rumours of auditions for the voice of Helen Reddy in the new movie ‘I am Woman’. She decided to give it a go and sent in a recording of herself singing one of Reddy’s songs. A few more auditions took place after that, not to mention multiple flights to Sydney and then yes! Chelsea was chosen! 

Just like Julie Andrews singing for the actor in ‘The King and I’, we discover Chelsea Cullen as the talented vocalist in ‘I am Woman’. Chelsea recorded 11 of Helen Reddy’s songs in Sydney and pulls off Reddy’s voice with incredible grace and passion. The album can be found on all the right platforms so go and have a listen!

If you stalk Chelsea Cullen you will find she has written and recorded some big songs of her own. Find her music on iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube and fall in love with tunes like Edge of Myself and Pieces. They will break your heart (in a very good way).